Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite: an unsightly, seemingly impervious skin condition that almost all women and even some men have to deal with. What exactly is cellulite? Cellulite is lumpy, dimpled tissue caused by swollen fatty deposits under the skin. These enlarged fat deposits then start to stretch and push against connective tissue which creates dimples in the skin. Cellulite is so notorious because diet and exercise will do nothing to reduce  it. Women of all shapes and sizes are prone to cellulite, no matter their height or weight.  

The rumors are true: 90% of adult women have had experiences with cellulite in some form. Despite this high figure, there are  in actuality, very few treatments that can explicitly tackle cellulite reduction. Because cellulite is extremely fibrous, cellulite reduction via traditional surgical methods is extremely difficult. That includes extremely effective body contouring procedures like liposuction and tummy tucks.

With the arrival of SmoothShapes® and Cellulaze by Cynosure, there’s a new and highly effective treatment for cellulite reduction. 

SmoothShapes uses Photomology®, a trademarked technique that combines infrared laser light, vacuums, and massage therapy to non-invasively smooth the skin and reduce the fatty deposits that lead to cellulite.

Procedure: The combined laser and light technology of SmoothShapes heats the underlying fat, making it easier to be broken down and absorbed by the body. That absorption is further encouraged by vacuuming and massage by contoured rollers.

Regimen: The typical SmoothShapes regimen is a total of eight treatment sessions done twice a week for four weeks.

Pain: Many patients have claimed that SmoothShapes feels like a nice massage*.

Recovery: There is no downtime required after the SmoothShapes procedure. If anything, a simple ice pack can be used to reduce discomfort after the procedure*.

(add disclaimer for asterisks: *)